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Midges, Mosquitos, Horseflies! "Choose the Best Midge Repellent for Your Outdoor Adventures"

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The best repellent for midges, mosquitos and horse flies.

The great outdoors - where nature's beauty beckons and adventures await. There is no better place to spend your time than in the beautiful British countryside during the hot summer months, when summer finally make an appearance that is. Those hot summer afternoons in the pigeon hide decoying woodpigeons over laid wheat. Picking off those pesky corvids as they start to devour the pea crops. A late evening deer stalk during the coolest part of the day, or perhaps just a leisurely evening stroll with pooch as you watch the sun set. Whatever your chosen activity in the great outdoors, amidst the tranquil landscapes, lurk tiny, persistent pests just waiting to turn your outdoor escapade into a battleground! Yes, we're talking about those pesky midges, mosquitoes, and horseflies that have mastered the art of ruining outdoor fun.

Planning a trip to Scotland this summer? The stunning scenery, excellent fishing and majestic Red stags often attract hordes of outdoor enthusiasts hoping to land their first Salmon, bag their first Grouse or even witness an impressive royal stag in its natural habitat. One teeny, tiny, annoying, little caveat which is extremely important to keep in mind if you don't want your trip of a lifetime absolutely ruined....Midges! You must not forget your midge spray when you head out on your shooting excursions this summer or you will almost certainly be plagued by the dreaded midges, mosquitos and horseflies that terrorise the British countryside in search of a tasty host. That's why we have compiled a list of some of the best midge repellent on the market to help deter those bloodthirsty blighters from upsetting your hunting trips.


There are numerous biting insects in the British countryside that are destined to spoil your time outdoors if you go unprepared. Midges unite in enormous black clouds that surround you, desperately seeking to quench their thirst. They will almost certainly have you performing your finest Rocky Balboa impression whilst simultaneously outperforming Usain Bolt! Midges are tiny flying insects with a wingspan of only 2mm, but don't be fooled, they have a voracious appetite.

You may be surprised to learn that it is only the females that bite as they require the blood for reproduction. Midges are most active at dawn and dusk, and prefer calm, humid conditions. You may be wondering why midges are specifically attracted to you more than others. Midges have CO2 receptors that allows them to detect their prey, meaning that they are attracted by the CO2 that we expel as we exhale. They are also attracted to body odour, colour, humidity, heat and movement.

Lets be realistic, there isn't a single product that is 100% reliable against preventing insect bites, however, there are products available that if combined will help minimise the risk of getting bitten. Smidge Insect Repellent on Amazon is a good start.

Smidge have numerous products available that will help minimise the risk of getting bitten. They have their full range of products on Amazon like this Smidge Midge and mosquito head net which can be easily stored away and carried in a pocket. An excellent product if you don't intend on having extra protein whilst eating your sandwiches.

Smidge head net for deterring midges and mosquitos.


There are more than 30 species of horse fly in the UK and it is important to be able to identify them, acting quickly to deter them from giving you a painful bite which can often lead to infection and antibiotics in severe cases. Although they do prefer to feast on cattle and horses, they are also quite partial to human blood, and are often found whilst out walking in grasslands and woods and in particular we have found that where there is dampness, water courses, still water, there tends to be horse-flies!

Horse Fly bites can be painful and get infected in severe cases.

Like Midges, it is only the females that bite as they require the blood for reproduction. Unlike mosquitos that have a piercing bite, Horse Flies have sharp cutting mouthparts which can be quite painful. Due to their silent flight, you'll often find them sneaking up on you unheard and quickly taking a bite out of you before you feel the pain of the bite.

The "Smidge" midge repellent also deters horse flies, however if you are looking for an alternative product, Jungle Formula found here on Amazon is a well known performing brand that contains deet that deters most biting insects.


The wet summer of 2024 has brought heavy downfalls of rain, coupled with the sudden rise in temperatures it has created a perfect environment for mosquitos to reproduce, resulting in hordes of hungry mosquitos eagerly seeking out their prey. Like Horse flies, mosquitos tend to be found around areas where still, standing water is present, and in shaded areas.

Like most other biting insects, it is only the female mosquitos that require blood in their diet. They tend to be most active during the night where they seek you out through heat and CO2 exhaled from breathing.

A product that has become quite popular amongst outdoor enthusiasts for deterring biting insects is Avon Skin So Soft also found here on Amazon We have not personally used this product to vouch for it being an effective deterrent but we are being constantly reminded by outdoor enthusiasts that Avon Skin So Soft can be very effective when it comes to keeping those pesky bloodthirsty blighters at bay. We'll let you decide.

Avon skin so soft to deter biting insects.


Ticks can be carriers of Lyme disease which is an infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and can be an extremely debilitating disease.

There has recently been an enormous increase in cases of Lyme disease in the UK increasing from 2 to 3,000 to an estimated 8,000 cases per year! So it is more important than ever to take precautions to prevent yourself from tick bites.

Rovince Clothing is an excellent brand that offers a very unique added value to their clothing which they have been developing since 2009 - anti tick prevention that protects against tick bites! This tick resistant clothing can be worn by a diverse group of people ranging from outdoor professionals, field sports enthusiasts to casual dog walkers. Missed their 20% sale recently? Not to worry, Fieldsports Guardian still have an exclusive 15% discount on the Rovince Clothing website with the discount code GUARDIAN15.

You can brush up on your knowledge of Ticks over on our previous blog post HERE.

Rovince anti tick clothing to prevent tick bites. 15% off here.

Another fantastic tool that I always carry with me whilst enjoying the outdoors is a tick puller. A tick puller is a small tool that can be easily stored away in your pocket and utilised to remove ticks safely and easily from either yourself or your pets. These can be found over on Amazon here at an unbelievably affordable price!

Tick pullers used to safely remove ticks from humans and pets.

Best midge repellent

So is there a "best midge repellent", well that's questionable, but using preventative measures and sampling products that work for you will ultimately lead to minimising the risk of insect bites and lead to a better experience of the countryside. The products above have been designed using ingredients that are known to deter biting insects. It's important to take note of the active ingredient as it may be the deciding factor of which product you ultimately choose to be your best midge repellent. Some repellents contain DEET or diethyltoluamide, which is a chemical that deters insects from biting, however, it is recommended that it is best kept away from children and is toxic if ingested. DEET can also react with certain materials such as plastics and rubber.

Another well known ingredient used in insect repellents is Saltidin or Icaridin which is very similar to DEET. This ingredient is less oily and is less likely to irritate the skin, however, more frequent application may be required.

Citronella candles are believed to deter midges and mosquitos and can often be found in most outdoor enthusiasts travel bags. There is a huge choice of citronella candles on Amazon like these Aottom candles

The brand FLEXTAILGEAR have been making lots of noise recently about their insect repellent products. A portable, electric midge and mosquito repellent that uses rechargeable batteries that claims to be highly effective against deterring biting insects. FLEXTAILGEAR uses innovative technology that we have not yet tested in the field. Amazon is the place to test out the FLEXTAILGEAR products

Here's to bug-free adventures and unforgettable outdoor experiences!

Disclaimer: Remember to follow usage instructions and safety precautions provided by each repellent manufacturer for optimal effectiveness and protection.


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